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Producer:The Coffee Gardens

Location:Bukyabo, Sironko District, Eastern Uganda

Varietal:Nyasaland, SL14, SL28
Process:Experimental Pineapple 

Altitude:2000 - 2200 masl
Cup Score:85.75
Cup profile:Blood orange, peach, lemon, syrupy juicy body. 


This coffee, simply dubbed "The Pineapple", is one of the smallest lots we've ever seen at only 11kg produced in total. They literally chopped up a pineapple and placed chunks of the sweet, syrupy fruit in amongst the green coffee and let it ferment. Noticeable in the cup is an enhanced, syrupy sweetness to the body and some delicate floral notes. 

We are incredibly lucky to have access to this unique - and very fun - nano lot. 



Uganda Mugisha

PriceFrom £8.00
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